
Mikuni-Kiko Co., ltd. Privacy Policy

Mikuni-Kiko Co., ltd. (hereinafter referred to as gMIKUNIh) understand importance of personal information.

MIKUNI comply with the Japan's Private Information Protection Law and related laws and ordinances, the guidelines and policies determined by Japanese government ministries pertaining to these said laws and ordinances.

MIKUNI properly handling the personal information, strengthen guidance and supervision to employees and trustees, and make greater efforts than ever to protect personal information.

MIKUNI hereby establishes the following plivacy policies.


1. Collecting personal information

MIKUNI will obtain customers' personal information only by fair, appropriate means within the scope necessary to fulfill the research objectives.

2. Purpose of collecting personal information

MIKUNI will utilize customers' personal information within the scope necessary to fulfill the research objectives.

3. Provision of personal information

MIKUNI will manage customers' personal information according to the strictest standards, and will not disclose or provide personal information to any third parties without customer's consent.

4. Safety management of personal information

MIKUNI will take proper security control and sufficient security measures to prevent leaks, loss, or alterations of our customers' information, and will continuously strive to improve that.

5. Complaint and personal information inquiries desk

MIKUNI will establish complaint and personal information protection inquiries desk, and correspond properly and quickly.
Inquiries desk available at our website.

(Information Desk)
5-138 Yawatayama, Miyoshi-cho, Miyosi-City, Aichi 470-0224, Japan
TEL : +81-0561-34-1166
FAX : +81-0561-34-0222


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